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[Graduate School] Thesis Evaluation Schedule for 2017 Spring semester

International Office

Thesis Evaluation Schedule.(1493017130).docx

논문표절예방프로그램 카피킬러캠퍼스 사용자 매뉴얼_201702.(1493017130).pdf

붙임1.2016학년도 후기 대학원별 학위논문심사 계획.(1493017130).hwp

붙임2.2016학년도 후기 대학원별 학위논문심사 신청 서류(서식).(1493017130).hwp

붙임6.2016학년도 후기 대학원 학술지 게재 실적 신청서(서식).(1493017130).hwp

Documents to be submitted for the Thesis Evaluation Process (2016학년도 후기 대학원별 학위논문심사 일정)





Things to do



 Eligibility for submitting thesis


1. Students who passed graduation qualifying exam

2. Students who passed language proficiency test 

3. Students who took online class on research ethics and pass the exam (students who entered school as from 2015)


Students who passed graduation qualifying exam and language proficiency test before the thesis evaluation application period (from April 24 till 27)

Doctoral degree seeking students


Students who enrolled in kit before 2010 have to meet one of below requirement

 - In the time since you enrolled in kit, to publish one (1) thesis or more in overseas academic journals to be the first-named author or co-author

 - To publish two (2) or more in one of the Korean journals.


Students who enrolled in kit from 2010 till 2013 have to meet one of below requirements

 - To be the first-name author, and to publish one (1) thesis or more in overseas academic journals in the time since you have enrolled in kit

 - To publish two (2) theses in one of Korean journals in the time you have enrolled in kit. And to be the first-name author for one of them. 


Students who enrolled in kit from 2014 till 2015 have to meet one of below requirements

 - To publish two (2) theses in one of the Korean journals registered in the Korea Citation Index (KCI) run by the NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea) in the time since you have enrolled in kit. And to be the first-name author for one of them.

 - To be the first-name author, and to publish one (1) thesis in overseas academic journals


For students who enrolled in kit as from 2016

 - To be the first-name author, and to publish two (2) theses or more in one of the Korean journals registered in the Korea Citation Index (KCI) run by the NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea) in the time since you have enrolled in kit

 - To be the first-named author, and to publish one (1) thesis or more in SCI leveled overseas academic journals (SCI(E), SSCI, A&HCI, SCOPUS) in the time since you have enrolled in kit


 The same thesis cannot be used by two students.



Master’s degree seeking students


Students who enrolled in kit before 2015 have to meet one of below requirement

 - To publish thesis in one of academic journals

 - To submit evidential documentation mentioning that your thesis was presented in academic conference


Students who enrolled in kit as from 2015 have to meet one of below requirement 

 - To give presentation on a nation-wide (or world-wide) academic conference (symposium) in the time since you have enrolled in kit

 - To publish one (1) thesis in one of the Korean journals registered in the Korea Citation Index (KCI) run by the NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea) or overseas academic journals in the time since you have enrolled in kit

 - To submit evidential documentation mentioning that your thesis will be published in one of the Korean journals registered in the Korea Citation Index (KCI) run by the NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea) before your graduation date


○ Documents to be submitted

 - application (학술지 게재 실적 신청서)

 - In case your thesis was published : one copy of thesis

 - In case your thesis is going to be published : Certificate of expected publication

  (Publication date has to be before 2017.07.31.)


From April 24 till April 27

Students to submit their documents to the faculty coordinator

○ Students have to pay thesis evaluation cost

 - Master’s : 100,000KRW

 - Doctoral : 300,000KRW


Bank account for cost : 1467-01-000418 (Nonghyup bank), bank account holder : 대학원장


From April 24 till April 27

Students have to transfer the thesis evaluation fee to the account of Graduate School during the designated time

○ Documents to be submitted for thesis evaluation 

1. application (학위논문심사신청서)

2. Letter of Recommendation from Supervisor Professor (지도교수 추천서)

3. Receipt of thesis evaluation fee payment (논문심사료 납입영수증)

4. Confirmation Letter to research ethics (학위논문 연구윤리 준수 확인서)

5. Thesis (3 copies for Master’s, 5 copies for Doctoral) 심사용 논문 (석사 3박사 5)


○ Documents have to be submitted to faculty coordinator before the thesis evaluation period (May 12 till June 9)

1. copy killer campus evaluation test result (카피킬러캠퍼스 검증 결과물)

From April 24 till April 27

Students to submit their documents to the faculty coordinator

○ all required documents to be delivered to the Office of Graduate School

May 1

Faculty coordinator to forward all thesis related documents to the Office of Graduate School






Thesis Evaluation Schedule 





Academic Schedule


May 9

○ To nominate thesis examiner

Graduate School Committee

May 11

○ To select thesis examiner


May 12 till June 9

○ Thesis evaluation to be conducted


June 19

○ Announcement of successful candidate for degree


June 22 till June 29

○ Thesis to be updated on ‘dCollection Program(thesis online submission system)’

 - Students have to upload it by themselves

 - Whole thesis has to be uploaded


July 3 till July 7

○ confirmation from librarian in charge of thesis verification

Thesis verification from librarian

(After the verification, students can print out thesis submission letter and agreement of copyright use)

July 10 till July 13